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House Rules & Policies
- No drugs or alcohol are allowed on the premises.
- No smoking on the premises.
- Guest are not allowed inside of the house for any reason.
- Residents are not allowed in other residents’ rooms.
- Laundry room is only allowed to be used on room assigned days.
- No lit candles are allowed inside the home.
- No violent criminal history.
- Must get along with others.
- No more than (2) children per single room. (3) For the large room.
- Must respect other’s property and privacy.
- No visitors on site during the hours of 6pm – 6am
- If you will be offsite for more than 24 consecutive hours An off-site contact form must be filled out.
- Stealing is prohibited.
- Must always keep personal room clean and odor free.
- Must keep common areas clean and odor free at all times.
- Kitchen must be cleaned immediately after use.
- No physical or verbal abuse permitted.
- All personal items need to be kept in your personal space
- Label all personal items in kitchen.
- $25 per key for lost key replacement. Do not duplicate your keys.
- Do not use anyone else’s kitchen personal belongings.
- Common area TV is off at 8pm on school nights and 11pm on Weekends.
- Absolutely NO property damage. Grounds for immediate eviction and you will be responsible for all damages.
- Must give 48 hour’s notice for transportation needs. Transportation is not guaranteed.
- Music Can not disturb other residents
- Must attend a faith-based activity at least (2) hours a week.
- No Cursing, Fighting or Arguing.
- Must complete (10) non-profit service hours per month.
- Must remain properly dressed in common areas at all times.
- Must participate in group activities at least (10) hours a month.